CEPICR aims, mainly, to contribute to the development and implementation of actions in teaching, research and extension, in the area of ​​cultural diversity and plurality, religions, and religiosities, aiming to encourage the various social actors to preserve their culture as they understand, the importance of the study of religions in the academic field, in an interdisciplinary perspective that involves all dimensions of knowledge.
Execute, allocate, and aggregate teaching, research and extension projects in the areas proposed for study in the various campuses of the State University of Bahia and other national and international higher education partners.
Create in the academic area a space to study cultures and religions as elements of scientific research and analysis category, as well as bring together researchers in the proposed area, as well as solidify the actions of GEPERCS (Studies and Research Group in Religion, Culture and Health) and others. CEPICR is recognized by CNPQ and certified by the State University of Bahia (UNEB).
The cultural and religious issue (without dichotomy or any kind of separation) is currently being discussed in many different contexts, often in different, even mistaken ways. Thus, a deeper and broader reflection is needed, addressing culture and religion in the various institutional and community instances, within a complex and multifaceted perspective, seeking to highlight the various religious expressions and religiosity and existing cultures, as the axis of research, with relevance both nationally and internationally and an important object of scientific investigation. The Center for Interdepartmental, Interinstitutional and International Research and Studies in Cultures and Religions (CEPICR) is of great relevance to the State University of Bahia;
Meets the conception of multicampia at the State University of Bahia. CEPICR aims to continue and systematize the discussions already started about religion and religiosity and cultures through GEPERCS, as well as the congresses, symposiums, seminars and other events about religions and religiosities, held in these Departments and other higher education, research and course monographs on this subject, seeking to present the importance of the study of culture and religion in the academic field to students/teachers and the community in general; Contribute to the articulation between basic education, graduation and graduate; Its characteristic is interdisciplinarity; It is composed of researchers from the humanities, social sciences and religion areas.
General Objective
Develop teaching, research, and extension activities in the area of ​​Humanities, Social Sciences and Religion, acting as a mediator and catalyst in the promotion of knowledge and in the integration and implementation of projects and activities that contribute to the realization of studies of cultural diversity and plurality, religions and religiosities within the State University of Bahia, other higher education partner and others partners.
The Center for Interinstitutional, Interdepartmental, International and Multidisciplinary Research and Studies aims to foster research, the implementation of training courses, extension and a Lato and Stricto Sensu postgraduate program, articulated with the national and international higher education partner and others partners. In short, this initiative is somewhat bold and innovative, as it will develop a summative proposal of differentiated actions of an articulated and dynamic collective that allows diagnosing the real situations of each study context, enabling projects and interventions that contemplate each reality and having as a framework the innovation.